Monday, May 16, 2011

My food Adventure..

My food adventure, Where? Why at home of course!

I have recently been limiting myself to a certain amount of budget.. Living as a student and all...
and most of my allowance is spent on food..

I believe in food... It need not be posh.. with expensive wine, or all the cutleries I don't even know what for... Food must be prepared with love.. with a certain amount of creativity and balance..
That is the beginning of a good meal.. add on a dash of fantastic company and a bowl full of steamy laughter and there you have a fantastic meal!

It is a therapeutic process for me.. cooking that is...

Looking up the recipes, preparing the ingredients.. there is a strong sense of happiness and once I plate it up I get delirious.. It is even better when I am cooking for people I love..  When they do enjoy what I make.. I cannot stop feeling victorious!

Okay enough psychobabble-

I had some strawberries and beautiful salad ingredients so I made a Cold Strawberry Balsamic Pasta..

I sort of threw it all together on the top of my head.. an invention of sorts.. I am assuming somewhere on earth the was someone who made this, and I was inspired cosmically.. What is original anyway..

Here is what it looks like...


Dry Fettuccine
1/2 red capsicum
1/2 yellow capsicum,
4 baby radishes
1/2 carrot
Cherry tomatoes
Italian parsley
Balsamic vinegar
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

- Half or quart your strawberries, macerate them with balsamic vinegar ( 2 tbsp)
- Boil your fettuccine in salted water... once done dunk in cold water
- slice the vege and toss them together
- tear up the parsley and toss in
- mix everything, salt and pepper to taste and drizzle some olive oil and squeeze lemon.



If you try this tell me what you think.. 

Food must be colorful and fun... food must make you think..
Food should be enjoyed..

For the love of food... 
Till the next morsel..